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How to Quilt Quilting Lining

Quilted Lining is a special lining fabric that is already pre-quilted and ready to use. It has a bare batting on one side and a polyester fabric on the other and is used in garments like jackets, coats, bags and even some creative corsets. It is machine washable and has a soft feel to it and it also lays flat against your outer garment.
You can find Quilting Lining in a variety of colors and sizes and it can be sewn as you would any other lining fabric. However, you need to keep in mind that quilted lining has a different feel than traditional lining fabric and it can create bulk in your seams. This is something that you want to take into consideration when planning and designing your garment.
When you have the lining fabric cut, you can mark out your first stitch line. You can do this with your sewing marking tool and ruler or you can use tailor's chalk. The important thing is to start at the center and work outward so that any extra slack in your lining fabric or batting can work itself out in the seam allowance. If you're using chalk, you'll need to be careful not to rub it off as you sew other stitches lines because it will leave a mark.
For the actual quilting, you'll need to decide on a pattern that will compliment your fabric. This can be easy or difficult depending on the type of lining fabric that you've chosen. For example, if you're making a lightweight summer dress or flimsy skirt, you can use cotton lining fabric (like lawn, voile or batiste) while silk lining is the best option for formal dresses, evening gowns and velvet/brocade jackets.
Once you've decided on a quilting pattern, you can begin sewing your lining together. Be sure to transfer any markings and notches from your garment pieces to the lining fabric before you begin. Also, be sure to add your desired seam allowance to all edges of the lining fabric and batting.
Another tip is to trim your seams down to a quarter inch before you finish them to reduce bulk. This is especially important in areas where your seams meet. This will help the lining to lay more flat and will make it easier for you to get your garment on and off.
For the sleeves, you can match the lining and exterior sleeve wrong sides together and pin them at the armholes. Then, roll the lining cuff outward by 1/2" inch and match the rolled edge to the exterior cuff and pin them together. If you do this carefully, you should have no trouble matching up the lining and exterior sleeves for a nice, clean finish. You can then finish the seams as instructed in your pattern.